Welcome to our new forum!
Welcome, Guest to Before Dawn! Please view our rules and other general information before interacting with our website and discord. Besides that, we hope you enjoy your time here! - B.D. Staff :)

Thread description here with a link to the thread.

09/10/19: Before Dawn was made!

07/03/20: After a hiatus, the Role Play is back and is entering its preparation stage! The map, forum, and discord are all being renovated to cater to member's needs.

00/00/00: TBD


Information - 1 Viewing
Before Dawn F.A.Q by issycat_ Jul 10, 2020 17:13:57 GMT
Here you can find all of the rules for Before Dawn as well as helpful guidelines for naming, Clan behavior and more!
3 Threads
3 Posts
Membership Applications! by Alexseowin Mar 13, 2022 23:58:32 GMT
3 Threads
10 Posts

The Clans of Before Dawn

ThunderClan Allegiances Thread by issycat_ Jul 13, 2020 21:56:48 GMT
With large oaks encapsulating their territory, and thick underbrush at their paws, ThunderClan stands as one of the oldest and most respected Clans in the region. They're known to be fierce in battle, and loyal to their Clan, kin and friends.
3 Threads
3 Posts
RiverClan Information by folktale Jul 8, 2020 23:22:24 GMT
A single, bubbling creek cuts its way through this territory, giving the Clan their name. The land is sparse of trees, save for a few willows that cling to life near the ponds dotted around. RiverClan are elegant, gliding through water and life like ripples on the surface.
2 Threads
2 Posts
ShadowClan Information by folktale Jul 8, 2020 20:27:09 GMT
A thick mist envelops their territory, as the tall pines rise high and raggedly into the sky above. ShadowClan is a mysterious Clan, and only those bordered closely with them have ever really seen them up close. These cats prefer solitude over loud crowds of Clans, so often times, only a few representatives will attend the monthly Gatherings.
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Long green grass and bellowing winds sweep the hills that make up their territory; WindClan boasts a strong connection to StarClan, for they sleep under a blanket of stars every night. They're renowned runners, and are the swiftest of cats. They're known to be more friendly and open with outsiders than the other Clans.
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